John Ainley
My Vision
To cause consistently great performance for senior leaders and their organisations.
To help senior leaders live fulfilled lives.
My Core Beliefs
• Leadership coaching will transform your performance. It would be inconceivable for an elite athlete
to thrive without one, why not senior leaders?
• Most people have limiting beliefs about themselves that reduce their effectiveness
• Organisations become shadows of their leaders, this demands that leaders live what they speak
• Being truly authentic as a leader will transform your performance
• Being a leader is lonely and it is unlikely that you are receiving honest & objective feedback
• The role of a plc NED has changed, they are no longer able to give informal development advice, their roles are highly regulated,
accountable and transactional, often boards don’t give feedback until a situation is irretrievable
• Lip service from our teams is the norm & we often mistake it for genuine agreement
• We all are a balance of emotion and logic, a great leader works in both realms
• A commercial and skilled coach can transform your performance